You will find on this page the most frequently asked questions by our customers and community. If you happen not to find what you are looking for, don't hesitate to contact us.

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Questions fréquemment posées

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Questions fréquemment posées

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Questions fréquemment posées

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Questions fréquemment posées

Utilisez ce texte pour répondre aux questions de vos clients de la manière la plus détaillée possible.

The rotating handle of my pruner comes off during pruning. What should I do?

To prevent the rotating handle from coming off, it is essential for the proper functioning of the pruner that the fingers rest entirely on the rotating handle and that the index finger does not press on the blade holder.

The closing ratchet gets stuck, making my pruner too difficult to open. What do you recommend?

You need to squeeze the 2 handles of the pruner in your hand and then you can easily operate the ratchet with your free hand.

The ratchet on my FELCO 4 closes while I am pruning. What can be done to avoid this?

The ratchet on the FELCO 4 is riveted, so the only possible solution is to tap the rivet with a hammer. However, be careful as a blow that is too strong could block it.

The ratchet closes while pruning. How to avoid this problem?

This can be caused by: improperly adjusted screw, damaged, missing, or incorrectly mounted ratchet spring after maintenance cleaning. The spring 2/13 should be replaced if it is damaged or missing.

The pruner sticks. What should I do?

Oil the spring and the space between the blade and the counter-blade daily.

Can the FELCO 801, 811, 820 electric pruner be used in the rain?

Yes, but the battery must be protected, so it should be under the user's clothing.

We use our cable cutters in salt water and notice that their blades rust. What can we do?

The blades are made of steel and it is normal for them to rust in a humid or salty environment. To slow down the process, it is necessary to wipe and grease them after each use.

Can the blades of shears be sharpened and if so, with what?

Generally, sharpening the blades of shears is not necessary. If the user cuts a lot of spring wires, the hardest materials, it is recommended to sharpen the blades after 500 cuts. For this, use the FELCO 902 or FELCO 903 ceramic sharpening stone.

Can your tools cut live wires and if so, up to what voltage are they insulated?

FELCO tools are not made to cut live electrical wires. It is imperative that the wire is de-energized before cutting.

Can an electric pruner be used by someone with a pacemaker?

It is strongly discouraged to use an electric pruner. Indeed, this can cause malfunctions of the pacemaker.

What is the difference between FELCO 2 and FELCO 8 pruners?

The difference between the FELCO 2 and the FELCO 8 is neither in the quality nor in the use. It lies in the handles, which are more ergonomic for the FELCO 8, and the cutting head, which is an extension of the wrist for the FELCO 8. Although the FELCO 8 is more ergonomic, we recommend trying both pruners to determine which one suits you best. Each handle shape is different, so it is not possible to recommend a specific model.

What replacement blade can be used on a FELCO 1?

The blade ref. 2/3.